Sunday Practice


The Louisville Community of Mindful Living gathers for shared meditation and practice every Sunday at:

115 South Ewing

Louisville, KY 40206

(one block south of Frankfort Ave., across from Walgreens)

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The opening session at 10 A.M. typically focuses on some aspect of Buddhist practice. 

The 10:30 session includes a 20-minute meditative sit, a walking meditation, a varying weekly activity (listed below), an open discussion of practice issues, followed by concerns and gratitudes and a final brief meditation.

First Sunday of month            Five Mindfulness Trainings

Second Sunday                     Second Sit

Third Sunday                         Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

Fourth Sunday                      Guided Meditation/Shared Readings  


Participants are welcome to join at either 10 or 10:30 a.m. Late arrivals for either session should wait in the lobby to be welcomed at an appropriate break by the facilitator.  Sunday Order of Practice, Detailed.

Dress is always casual, with loose fitting, modest clothes recommended to allow comfortable sitting in a lotus or semi-lotus position. Cushions (or chairs) are available, but you are invited to bring your own. All sessions are free, but donations are accepted to help pay for facility rental, purchase books and tapes, and fund special projects.  


The sangha also provides other opportunities for community-supported mindful living. Discussion groups gather to explore readings and other materials relevant to Buddhist practice. Several times a year, the sangha hosts Days of Mindfulness that offer inexpensive one-day retreat opportunities. Quarterly Mindful Resource Dinner Gatherings provide information on ways one can  integrate mindful practices into every aspect of daily life, from financial planning to volunteer work.


We welcome everyone with any level of interest to all sangha gatherings. The only requirement is a respect for the harmony of our practice community.


If you have additional questions about the Louisville Community of Mindful Living, you may contact us here.


If you want to learn more about our style of Buddhist practice, consider reading Miracle of Mindfulness or Peace In Every Step, by Thich Nhat Hahn. Both books are generally available at local bookstores.

Boy in front of Buddhist temple, China