Planning Meeting Minutes March 9, 2003 |
1. Treasurer’s report. Bob shared that we have $150.06 in our coffers, with the rent to Orbis for March yet to be paid. 2. Coordinator role. Mark revisited an idea raised in a prior discussion with the facilitators about creating an informal “coordinator” role. As many may know, Mark has been steadfast through the years about attending to the behind-the-scenes organizational dukkha of our sangha. In proposing the coordinator notion, he was graciously and healthily suggesting a way to share such joys. The coordinator would be responsible for attending to sundry loose ends and organizational tasks, such as getting information to the newsletter and following up on plans for our resource dinners. It had been agreed earlier that the facilitators would rotate the role quarterly. Tony is soon to complete his tenure for the first quarter of the year. Dan steps up next, followed by Jon, then Mark. 3. Resource dinner. It was suggested that our next resource dinner be in July, with the proposed topic being Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Jon agreed to handle the organizational duties. It was remarked that the title “resource dinner” was rather lifeless, though no alternative names came to any of us at the time. This humble secretary had the possible title of “Putting Principles into Practice” or some variation thereupon sneak into my head several days later. Comment on this idea and suggestions for alternative titles for our resource dinners are appreciatively invited. 4. Sangha flyer. It has been some time since we put up flyers about the sangha in the community. With the recent launching of our website, it seems an opportune time to do so. Jon will draft a flyer for consideration. 5. Website info. Following our recent resource meeting with Terry Taylor, it was proposed and agreed that we add a link on our website to the Cathedral Heritage Foundation. Terry indicated that they will do likewise. Other website topics discussed included: a) creation of an annotated bibliography page, with suggested readings organized by categories and including, where provided, comments about the texts by sangha readers (note that there is already a form of this in the Practice Tools page); b) further additions to other materials already posted to the Practice Tools page; additions might include such material as the refuge chant, dharma readings about meditation, and other helpful teachings; and c) development of an FAQ page about the sangha and our practice. It seems Tony has the point on the last project. 6. Facilitators meetings. For the past year, the facilitators have been scheduling meetings for those months alternating with scheduled planning meeting months. It was agreed to merge those meetings with the planning meetings, partly for convenience and partly because, outside of deciding on our Sunday schedules, there is typically nothing that arises in a facilitators meeting that isn’t the business of the entire sangha anyway. The option to call facilitators’ meetings if and as needed was left open. 7. Planning meetings. It was proposed that planning meetings move from a bimonthly schedule to a quarterly schedule, on the second Sunday of each 3rd month. Dates for the remaining 2003 planning meetings will be May 11, July 13, and October 12. Astute readers will note that we won’t become fully quarterly until the October meeting. 8. Day of Mindfulness. Our next Day of Mindfulness (DOM) is Sunday, March 30. Given the short time frame, it was decided to meet at Orbis and have an abbreviated DOM. Proposals for activities in addition to our usual Sunday practice included chanting and inviting folks to bring readings to share. Tony offered to coordinate activities and to get the word out to the newsletter. Looking ahead, June, August and November are the remaining 5-Sunday (i.e., DOM) months for this year. Those dates will be June 29, August 24 (moved up a week because of the Labor Day weekend), and November 23 (moved up a week because of the Thanksgiving weekend). Mark shared his discovery of a wonderful park in southern Indiana as a possible DOM site. On a related note, the idea of having an ongoing resource person for DOMs was raised. This person would keep contact information, DOM history, and help coordinate future DOMs with something of an eye on keeping DOM activities connected to our practice and traditions, while welcoming and fostering new ideas and activities as well. A less-than-serious proposal that this person be called the DOMinator was not endorsed. Jon volunteered to serve in this unnamed capacity. It is important to note that the DOM agendas will continue to be created by committee, with continued efforts as always to involve all interested sangha members in this process. 9. Facilitators to be. Some discomfort was expressed with the use of the designation “aspirant,” assigned to folks who have expressed an interest in becoming facilitators. This term derives from the Order of Interbeing, which has a clearly specified path to ordination for members. The perception was shared that this term implies a hierarchy that is not consistent with the actual practice in our own community, sometimes described as all of us being teachers for one another. No alternative designation was arrived at, and it was agreed that no designation was really necessary. Persons with an interest in possibly becoming a facilitator are asked to formally declare that interest. We do have an established set of general criteria for becoming a facilitator.