Thich Nhat Hanh's Statement on Possible War in Iraq

February 16, 2003


The Strength of America

All of my friends and disciples on the five continents join me to humbly ask
the government of the U.S.A. not to start a war with Iraq.

The war will bring destruction not only to the people of Iraq but also to
the U.S.A. and to people all over the world.  Please look into your own past
experience with war to recognize the vast devastation that war creates for
all warring parties, in terms of loss of precious human lives, destruction
of the natural environment, and destruction of diplomatic relationships and
peace between nations in the world.  Please use your powers of reflection
and understanding of the past and present situations in order to prevent
such destruction and devastation to the peoples of the United States and for
the protection and safety of people all over the world. Please look deeply
into the interconnections between the U.S.A. and all nations in the world to
see that war in one place will contribute to war in many places, destruction
in one direction will lead to destruction in many directions.

We ask the U.S.A. to operate in harmony with the community of nations,
making use of the collective wisdom and decision making capacities of that
community.  Please help strengthen the U.N. as an organization for
peace-keeping, because that is the hope of the world.  Please do not cause
damage or destroy the authority and the role of the United Nations, instead
support it wholeheartedly by listening to its recommendations.  Please see
the U.S.A. as an active member of the larger organization of the United
Nations and seek to work together as an international community to ensure
the safety and well-being for the people of the U.S.A. and for all people in
the world.  The United Nations, made up of many nations in the world, has
the capacity to provide and support constructive settings to establish
dialogue and to offer conditions for maintaining peace and security for all
nations in the world.  Please reveal the great strength and wisdom of the
U.S.A. by showing the world that it is possible to resolve conflict without
the long lasting destruction and devastation caused by war. We will all be
very grateful.

Thich Nhat Hanh
and the Global Community of Mindful Living
Plum Village, France

16 February 2003