Ten Thousand Buddhas Summit Monastery



The Ten Thousand Buddhas Summit Monastery is located in Harrison County, Indiana in a beautiful wooded setting.  Led by Abbot, Rev. Thich Hang Dat, the community welcomes everyone to come to their rural practice setting.


Recent Courier-Journal article about the monastery.  January 18, 2003.


The Monastery is located at 3600 Mathis Road, Corydon, IN 47112.  Tel. and Fax: 812-738-1104.  Email: thichhangdat@hotmail.com


Directions from Louisville: Take I-64 W. to Corydon Exit, hwy. 135.  Go south or right at the ramp.  Go through several lights and turn right on Hwy. 62W.  Take an immediate first left at the Cowboy's quick stop store.  This is Old Forrest Rd.  Go 4 miles and turn left on Mathis Rd.  Go one mile and look for a hard left turning driveway up a steep hill.  Phone: 812-738-1104.  










Louisville Community of Mindfulness

member, Bob Wooldrich

in front of the main dharma hall.
















Local community members of the Monastery.






A recent question and answer format information sheet was provided by the group:


Ten Thousand Buddhas Summit Monastery (TTBSM)

1/ When was TTBSM established?
It was initially established on October, 2001 by Rev. Thich Hang Dat.

2/ What is TTBSM?
An organization of Buddhist monks, nuns, and laity that emphasizes on
practicing Buddhist Mindfulness, Loving-Kindness, Broadmindedness, and
Skillfulness that are beneficial to family, community, and society.

3/ What are the goals of TTBSM?
A/ Strengthen interaction and communication with other religious traditions
to work on issues and problems of common interests locally, nationally, and
worldly by creating a friendly relationship between Buddhists and others.
B/ Promote loving-kindness and compassion attitudes.
D/ Widen life perspective of Buddhists and others.
E/ Support the faith of Buddhists and others.
F/ Offer a righteous path for Buddhists and others.
G/ Establish a peaceful, mindful, and joyful environments for Buddhists and
others by setting up a retreat center and worship place for spiritual
H/ Preserve the life of all, including animals.
J/ Provide religious education and charitable enhancement for the Buddhist
communities and general public.
I/ Promote mutual assistance and understanding among the Buddhist
communities throughout the world.

4/ How can the TTBSM monks, nuns, and laity practice at the center?
A/ Follow the moral rules, called the Vinaya School.
B/ Do meditation, called Zen school, that belongs to the Wei-yang lineage.
C/ Study Buddha's Teachings, called the Scholastic School.
4/ Recite Mantras, called the Esoteric, or "Secret School".
5/ Chant the Buddha's name, called the Pure Land School.

5/ What the TTBSM monks, nuns, and laity eat?
Pure vegetarian, because we take the Buddha's advice for being
compassionated towards animals.

6/ What are the attitudes of TTBSM members?
A/ For laity: Keep five basic standards, namely no killing, no stealing, no
sexual misconduct, no telling lie, no taking intoxicant.
B/ For monks and nuns: Uphold the traditional precepts to be qualified for
a religious leader, peacemaker, and healer such as holding over three
hundred training rules for monks and nuns.

7/ What are the daily approaches of TTBSM laity members?
A/ Be mindful and responsible in thoughts and actions within family,
community, and society.
B/ Be opened-minded toward others' traditions.
C/ Be tolerant for any situation.
D/ Be cooperative and supportive to anyone in family, community, and
F/ Be grateful and thankful for the supports of family, community, and

8/ What are the daily practical guidelines of TTBSM laity members?
A/ Meditate at least ten minutes.
B/ Pay obeisance for the Buddhas 10 times.
C/ Chant the Buddha's name, Buddhist sutras, or Buddhist mantras.
D/ Be ready for helping others regardless background, race, color, or

9/ What are the basic criteria in TTBSM affairs?
A/ Culture to propagate Buddhism.
B/ Education to foster talent.
C/ Charity to benefit society.
D/ Religious Services to enhance spiritual development and transform
people's minds and behavior.
F/ Encourage interfaith to understand and live in harmony with other

10/ What kind of activities can TTBSM hold?
A/ Provide a retreat center for spiritual development.
B/ Promote interfaith between Buddhism and other traditions.
C/ Offer religious and Buddhist educations to benefit and awaken oneself
and others.
D/ Support Buddhist cultural work via arts and literature, translation of
sutras, and presentation of Buddhist teaching.
E/ Engage social work, charity, and service for community and society.
F/ Support in Buddhist education, bring up the religious standards, and
improve the availability of resources in order to foster skills and talents
of people.

11/ What are the true wealth of a TTBSM member?
A/ To have wealth and skill.
B/ To focus on wisdom and faith.
C/ To be mindful and peaceful.
D/ To give and accept.
F/ To own and share.

12/ How does a TTBSM member conduct?
A/ Law-abiding person.
B/ Keep the five basic standards.
C/ Have a responsible mutual relationship.
D/ Carry out a right livelihood.
F/ Maintain a virtuous religious life.
G/ Posses right knowledge and right view of life.
H/ Pay respect to and seek refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.
J/ Harmonize with others in family, community, and society.