Buddha Bits


Sangha members share from our practice...

www.WinterFeastfortheSoul.com   - from Jackie Thomas, 1-09.

Interview with God - absolutely beautiful. No matter what you believe, this is worth the 60 seconds it takes to watch.  http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/popup-frame.html  - from Jackie Thomas, 1-09.

The Anger that Won’t Go Away

Silently simmering is the way I habitually do anger. When I become aware of it, I sit with it and let it dissipate. That’s the theory. Except that sometimes it will not dissipate: it congeals like a hard lump in my chest. So I try to knead it with reason—this is childish; it is already wholly disproportionate to whatever triggered it; it is making me miserable—but to no avail. It won’t go away. I am stuck. Let it go, I say to myself, except that it feels less that I am holding onto it than that it is holding on to me! What is going on here? What is feeding this anger? It is my determination to be rid of it, my embarrassment that it arose in me in the first place. How wholehearted could my practice be if, after all this time, I am still buffeted by such childish emotions? Now let me sit a while with that, acknowledge that old judge, but pay him no heed. My anger is not childish; it is only anger, a swirl of energy; no reflection on a “me.” Now I notice it has gone.  - Ron, 02/07